TX Massage CEU

Current Status
Not Enrolled
CE Credits
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Special Offer: Buy one 6-hour class for $39, add a second 6-hour class for only $10! Dismiss

Class Description:

Tax Tips for Massage Therapists = 6 CE hour course.

This comprehensive CE class is designed to help Licensed Massage Therapists clarify the tax process, avoid common pitfalls, and make smarter financial decisions that support your massage practice.

Class Objectives:

Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:

  1. Understand IRS and taxes

  2. Learn About Different Business Structures and Tax Considerations

  3. Record Keeping and Expense Tracking

  4. Learn About Tax Deductions/Tax Credits for a Massage Therapist

  5. Retirement Planning & Tax Advantaged Accounts

  6. Compliance & Reporting Requirements

  7. Tax Planning Strategies

  8. Retirement Account Differences

 Melissa Wood/Texas Massage CEU is an approved CE Provider through TDLR